Storm Lake Hearing Aid Service
Recent News About Storm Lake Hearing Aid Service View More
Hear better — age better
Hear better — age better
Everything you need to know about swimmer’s ear
Everything you need to know about swimmer’s ear
Hearing aids are linked to a lower risk of falls
Hearing aids are linked to a lower risk of falls
Hearing loss and depression — is there a link?
Hearing loss and depression — is there a link?
Can ear infections cause hearing loss?
Hearing loss can be caused by several different factors including aging, injury, noise exposure, and even heredity
How loud and for how long is key to avoiding noise-induced hearing damage
Exposure to loud noise is the second leading cause of hearing loss — after aging. It’s also one of the only causes that are preventable.
Why can’t I hear well in the car?
When people find out I’m a hearing professional, they’ll often ask me some version of the following: “I can’t hear the kids in the backseat when we’re in the car.
Hearing care services are important to hearing aid satisfaction
The best place to buy new hearing aids has always been and probably will always be in person from a hearing professional.
How to properly clean your ears
Cerumen, commonly known as earwax, is key to a healthy ear. It collects dirt, debris and bacteria, preventing unwanted foreign bodies from entering the ear.
Hard time hearing in noise? Here's why
There are many signs of hearing loss — but one of the first signs that your hearing is going is if you can hear fine in quiet environments yet struggle to hear in noise.
Types of hearing loss
If you’re like us, you like to get to the bottom of any ailment you have.
How to encourage a loved one with hearing loss to seek help
It’s been proven that — left untreated — hearing loss can have a negative effect on our quality of life. Studies have linked untreated hearing loss to decreased cognitive function, higher incidences of hospitalizations, falls and depression, and increased risk of social isolation and dementia.
Hearing aids may positively effect the rates of cognitive decline
The bad news is, as our population increasingly ages, the rates of dementia increase right alongside.
12 reasons to get Livio Edge AI custom rechargeable hearing aids
If you’ve been holding out on getting hearing aids because you were waiting for something that didn’t scream “hearing aid!”