City of Athon recently issued the following announcement.
The City of Anthon will be flushing water hydrants Monday, October 7th through Friday, October 11th, 2019.
You may notice some discoloration in the water during this time but you may be assured the water will be safe to use. However, please use caution when doing laundry since water discoloration may cause staining on clothing.
Higher than normal water usage?
Higher than normal water usage? Use this helpful tip to determine if you have a leaky toilet, water softener leak, or just a leaky pipe in your home:
STEP 1 - Locate your water meter. (Usually found in the basement next to your water filter)
STEP 2 - Make sure all your water fixtures in your home are turned off.
STEP 3 - Check to see if the small red dial is spinning. (See photo) If dial is spinning, you have a water leak.
A small leak can cause thousands of gallons of water loss in a months time. Check your meter often and fix leaks to save yourself money. Please share this helpful tip!
Original source can be found here.
Source: City of Anthon