City of Salix issued the following announcement on Nov. 26.
Radon Test Kits are available at Salix City Hall for $7 each (free postage to mail back results). Radon is a radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless and tasteless. The EPA estimates that radon causes approximately 21,000 deaths per year nationally, most of these are preventable. Radon originates in the soil from the natural decay of uranium that exists in or below most soils and enters the home through cracks, around pipes or conduit openings, through sump pumps and drain tiles, between the floor and wall joists in a basement, and even from negative pressure drawing the gas into the home. The only way to know if your home has radon is to test for it. Stop in and pick up yours today!!
Original source can be found here.
Source: City of Salix